Central American Christians working for the Great Commission

EN4C CA Logo

Why support a Central American missionary?

Central American Christians working
for the Great Commission

EN4C CA Logo

Why support a Central American missionary?

Central American Christians – Serving in Missions

Pastors and church members – ordinary christians, serving together part time and full time

Sharing The Gospel To All of Their Home Country

Through preaching and teaching, special campaigns, revivals, youth and sports events, children’s events, medical and dental services, carpentry and construction, and much more

EN4C locals baptizing in the river

Central American Christians Serving Local People

EN4C is unique in that we strive to raise up and empower local Christians to serve the people of their own country in ministry.  We believe Central American Christians can understand and reach one another more deeply when sharing The Gospel because they share the same language, culture, values and customs.

Central American Disciples Training New Christians

EN4C works to train and grow local Christians who will in turn be able to train and grow other Central American Christians to share The Gospel.  Our goal is to see generational success – the multiplication of Christians who will work together to fulfill the Great Commission in their own country and to the whole world!

Central American Leaders Raising Up New Local Leaders

EN4C’s goal is to inspire more local Christians to serve as leaders in churches and missions work by modeling biblical leadership methods and values.  Good leadership by Central American Christians in ministry and missions should result in the multiplication of local leaders in missions and ministry.

You can partner with Central American Missionaries

Through your gift of time in prayer as well as financial support, and even personal communications you can partner with and help to raise up local Christians in ministry and missions.  Through your partnership with Central American Christians in ministry and missions, you will be blessed and they will be energized, empowered and greatly encouraged.

You can help send Central American Missionaries

Just as most missionaries from the U.S. need to raise funds in order to be sent, local Christians in other countries also need to raise funds in order to be able to travel and do the work of ministry and missions.  Your financial gifts will help to “send” local Christians in other countries on mission trips, to work on ministry projects and to reach the people of their home country for Christ.

You can help equip Central American Missionaries

Through your financial gifts you can help to equip a local Christian to work in missions and ministry.  Material supplies are often necessary yet difficult to acquire, simply due to economic constraints.  Whether providing proper tools for a job, a portable audio system or other physical needs, you can help to provide for the basic needs of a Cetral American minister or missionary.

RAAN team Jan 21