Central American Christians working for the Great Commission

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Why support a Central American missionary?

Central American Christians working
for the Great Commission

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Why support a Central American missionary?

EN4C Missionaries Walking

Romans 12:4-6a  For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,  so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.  We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

EN4C pastors John and Romans

In May of 2016, Mark & Diane arrived in Central America, with a passion to serve local pastors and churches.  As their ministry grew, they saw that Central American Christians were hungry for opportunities to be missionaries and share the gospel with their own people.

Mark and Diane added their first full-time national missionary and ministry partner early in 2018.  William, the son of a local pastor, had a true heart for preaching The Word, working with youth and children and for serving local pastors and their churches.

For the next several years, the ministry of Mark and Diane and William, grew very well.  A number of local pastors and Christians joined in to serve on missions trips and ministry opportunities whenever possible.

Soon, the local Christians began to dream of their own mission trips, ministry goals and even to form their own teams!  Both experienced ministry partners as well as many who had only recently heard God’s calling on their lives were asking to work as part of the ministry.

EN4C church support
EN4C church support 2

Beginning in August of 2020, Mark and Diane  began to feel God’s leading to help form a ministry whose purpose would be to help Central American Christians serve in missions and ministry.  They continued to pray and seek God’s clear leading and to seek opportunities to partner with still more local Christians to share the gospel.

In January of 2021, another local Christian joined the ministry of the Shades as their second full-time national missionary.  This new partner was a graduate of a seminary in Mexico.  He began to travel to preach as well as to teach seminars for pastors and church leaders.

As still more local pastors, missionaries and regular Christians came to join the ministry, Mark and Diane continued to seek how God would lead them to be able to partner with more and more local Christians.

Finally, in April of 2022, God opened the door for the creation of “Every Nation for Christ” – a ministry whose focus is to support, encourage and help send Central American Christians to share the gospel with the people of their own country.

EN4C street ministry
EN4C house church

In September of 2022 Mark and Diane and their local ministry partners, working together with Mission Quest, launched the new ministry!

Nearly 7 years in the making, today “Every Nation for Christ” is ready to begin a new journey – hoping to help many many Central American Christians find out how God is calling them to be ministers, missionaries and just plain “messengers of the good news” – to the people of their own country.