Central American Christians working for the Great Commission

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Why support a Central American missionary?

Central American Christians working
for the Great Commission

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Why support a Central American missionary?

Now after this the Lord appointed seventy-two others,
and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and
place where He Himself was going to come.     Luke 10:1

Jesus sent out one large team of 72 messengers, but He also sent
them in teams of 2 … because the great commission is a team effort.

Each of these boats is operated by a team of people working together…
But what if all of these boats also worked together as one big team overall?
What could be accomplished then?

Below are our team members…. working together to
complete the great commission in Central America.


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of William

William has been a member of our team for more than 5 years now.  He is the senior pastor of a church and a graduate of a local bible institute.  He works to disciple those who are already saved and to reach the lost.  He strives to reach outside his local church both near and far.  His wife also works with him in ministry whenever possible.  Account #EN4C-1


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Jorge

Jorge has been a part of our team for about 3 years now.  He attended a seminary in Mexico and often teaches at local bible institutes.  He has also been a pastor and works as a missionary – working to take the gospel to all of his country and to support pastors and others also working in ministry.  His wife is a graduate of a local bible institute and works with him in ministry.  Account #EN4C-2


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Christian

Christian and his wife have been working to share the gospel in their country for more than 4 years now and have been a part of our team for most of that time.  Together with their 3 boys (ages 5 – 11) they travel far and wide to share the good news, teach biblical doctrine and to disciple others.  He and his wife are attending a bible institute and will graduate in 1 more year.  Account #EN4C-3


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Javier

Javier is a pastor, missionary and teacher.  He has graduated from a local bible institute and travels to teach doctrine and theology in remote areas of his country.  He works to support national pastors and also leads national pastors on mission trips to take the gospel to some of the most remote places in his country.  Account #EN4C-4


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Hector

Hector is one of our newest team members but he and his wife have been working in ministry and missions for more than 5 years now.  They live in a very rural area and are supporting 3 church plants, where he is the pastor and they lead music together (she plays several instruments).  They also go on mission trips, host a sewing school and teach carpentry both at home and traveling as a men’s ministry tool.  Account #EN4C-5


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Heysell

Heysell Please welcome our newest team member – Heysell!  She has been working in missions for 4 years and largely focuses on the Caribbean side of Central America and the indigenous people found there.  She works through evangelism and church planting, women’s and children’s ministry, sewing schools and medical missions.  Heysell also hosts trips and teams up the river to reach the indigenous people of her country.  Account #EN4C-7


Download giving Instructions to support the ministry of Eliel

Eliel has been a pastor and is now an evangelist and missionary.  He and his wife travel extensively to share the gospel, both via door-to-door and through preaching.  Additionally they also work to visit and support pastors and their families.  Because Eliel has also worked in construction he often uses that skill in his evangelism AND in support of pastors.  He can often be found installing a new roof or a new floor.  Account #EN4C-8


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José has been part of our team for 3 years now.  He is a graduate of a seminary in Mexico and has taught doctrine and theology classes as well as been the administrator of a bible institute.  He continues to teach and preach and work in evangelism and supporting pastors and churches.  José is a missionary with Faith Baptist Mission.  For information on supporting his ministry click the link at the left.